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Keep your contemporary jewellery looking great for as long as possible.  

Stainless steel will NOT tarnish, fade or discolour which is one of the main reasons I select it wherever possible to use as a setting for the paint poured skins.

However, if your piece includes a GLASS TILE be careful NOT to drop it on a hard surface or knock it against a hard surface as the tile can get scratched, chipped or even break and unless it breaks off in one whole piece can't be repaired. :(

Don't hang your jewellery on a stand and leave it exposed to the air if your piece is non-stainless steel.  Store jewellery away from direct sunlight, damp, and extremes of heat or cold.

Keep necklace clasps closed, form a large coil and store flat. Wrap jewellery in acid-free tissue or cotton to keep it protected from dust and moisture. 

Make-up, perfume, body lotion, fake tan and hairspray will tarnish and damage non-stainless steel jewellery. Sometimes natural skin oils can also cause the surface of your jewellery to deteriorate.  Unfortunately, this cannot be avoided.

Do not immerse jewellery in water or any other cleaning product. Jewellery should be gently polished with a soft clean cloth. 
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